Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Waiting for the eastern Wind

The war sung a hopeless cry, drums beat a hollow wind.  Our men never meant to sigh. Fought their war like a thousand year rhyme.  The fleets of ships floated on the giant sea, rocking by the calm slight waves, waiting to be sunk into sea. The heavens guard its eye, bright morning to the late cold nights. White doves dominate the skies, a sign of many lives to die. The numbers struck awe by the horizon, everything was prepared, all planned out. Just waiting for the eastern wind to make it all happen. ...

Monday, August 11, 2008

Busy times.

Times are busy, more and more i feel as if i am the one blocking out the sun. Day by day, i see the dates being canceled, realizing the urge and need of studying for the upcoming exams, somehow i seem to have to be reminded over and over. After-all, maybe, deliberately, i tend to pile that need deep in the back of my head. Always finding excuses even the lamest just to get out of my room. Its a curse, laziness always comes stronger than ever during exam periods, when times are short at hand. 
I spent my recent days, hours and minutes and of course seconds missing a certain someone; so badly i think i might faint if any meetings were to be cancelled. Life is so quiet for me these days, my classmates hardly even notice me anymore. Its like im finally being invisible in class not to mention school. Im being so quiet, maybe too quiet that it just doesn't seem me anymore. But then again, what IS the real me? I've been wearing my mask for far too long; im certain im definitely happier now. Looking at that face, that smile, that twinkle in the eyes made my heart leapt a hundred miles. Im changing for you; for the better. Staring at the word-filled pages on my text, notes and all. Not any seems to be getting into my head, or at least im absorbing them. For moments, i thought to myself, wouldn't it be easier if we were staying together? Ya i know.....

Tuesday, August 05, 2008