Its been a while. Nothings change; 2007 finally wrapping up to make way for 2008! Ahh the horror. Come to think of it, its spm next year. Wonder if i will be able to pass expecially when my BM sucks to a certain degree of mere beyond possibilites. Imma goner! Give me hearties mates! Aww man just wanna go through next year QUICK QUICK QUICK! and get high school over with!
College college! Seems like the awaitin paradise of nuthing but freedom and perhaps temptations! I foresee a flying here n there shawn in the coming years. Never stationary in one place or another. Always bouncin around like usual "Huu Huuu HUUU! Its Tiggger BOUNCIN TIME!" Bouncy bouncy bouncy bouncy bouncy!
Time bounded in time,
Sphere of rusted dime,
the days speaks haste,
from phase to phase.
Cherry blossoms in the coming spring,
or was it autumn that took its beauty.
of laughter and regrets,
pollution and corruption,
Left with emptiness and the chills of the wind,
Filling up the voids long exist.
Upon the changes of season,
creeping in the color crimson..
Come the end of days,
to face our last phase. . .
Hear the sound of the hints,
Where nothing seems to mean,
to a place where nuthing seems.
a world that never was. .
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Ring Out The Bells!
Troubles troubles,
on the doubles,
Haste in the spring,
gone like a print,
Hourglass of days,
cast aside like hays;
Promised ways,
or mere play?
Change is at hand,
but reluctant I am;
Right or wrong?
yet its just a song,
Was it time of days,
or days that timed?
Things feel so blocked,
Like birds that flew in flocks.
Take time to rest?
or to confess?
Was it not feelings,
that took the prime prince?
Cursed the days may be,
blinded my eyes may be,
Give up will not,
or be tying the knot.
on the doubles,
Haste in the spring,
gone like a print,
Hourglass of days,
cast aside like hays;
Promised ways,
or mere play?
Change is at hand,
but reluctant I am;
Right or wrong?
yet its just a song,
Was it time of days,
or days that timed?
Things feel so blocked,
Like birds that flew in flocks.
Take time to rest?
or to confess?
Was it not feelings,
that took the prime prince?
Cursed the days may be,
blinded my eyes may be,
Give up will not,
or be tying the knot.
Monday, December 10, 2007
The Creator ( NEW PROJECT!)

Some might find this drawing very Final fantasy well.. ya your right i got the inspiration from final fantasy. haha anways.. still works for me! HA!
Allright guys, this is my new project that i have been working on. Im sort of trying to maintain the concept of the original project "Forbidden Element" while bringin it to a whole new level. I dont know how to describe but this is the draft summary of it. ENJOY!
.:: The Creator ::.
Tore is one troubled teen in his sixteens,facing lives obstacle while trying to cope with his solitude. Tore may seem like any other teenager but there is more than ordinary behind that dark messy hair of his. Times are usually spent reading and writing about worlds he imagined and stories that flutters with fantasy. One day, he found an old note book while on his way home from school. Pitying the old notebook, he decided to bring it home. After all, the notebook was unusually well to his liking. As usual he started drafting on another story set in a world called Craetia. It wasn't long before he began writing it in the old notebook he found.
Things became very queer one particular afternoon where he met a car accident while heading home from school. Apparently he was rushing home to finish the last few pages of his story. There were flashes of light and soon things started to blur until there was nothing but darkness...
Tore soon find himself waking up underneath a great shady tree.Miles and miles of grassland surrounded him, his eyes raced across the green land until finally a huge metropolis came slowly into view. HE was in a place he had never been, it wasn't long before Tore realized the familiarity behind this strange place. For what he saw was more than just any grassland or city, but a world he created, a world by the name of Craetia.
"How did he end up in this place?" "Is this real or was everything about his life before he woke up in this place a dream?" Tore now search desperately for answers, exploring a new world or possibly a new life. He will soon discover that he possesses
a very powerful element or what would be later known as the Forbidden Element and that he must learn to control it and learn to be who he was, a Creator.
Our story is set in a world filed with fantasy, friendship, courage and love.
" A boy seeks desperately for answers, but he will soon realize
That he is actually lost withing himself."
Just got off..
Just got off a conversation with Shawn . Obviously he called, seriously i do not know what is the purpose behind that call. Because he seem to be crapping bout himself more rather than chatting with me. All bout how EXPOSED he was after having to contact with the working world and stuff and that my brain had its probs tonight. How unexposed i was and YADA YADA YADA. I think we ALL GET the picture dont we?
Its 5 plus and im still up. Well for "normal" poeple, they get up usually around this time. the only difference being, i stayed up while they got up. C-U-T-E! Aww man im so so so so hungry right now, i feel like i could swallow a cow whole. Went out "yum sui" with kev, sim n mandy. just now. ( i think i ACCIDENTALLY consumed caffeine ; or i wouldn't be in this hyped up pathetic don't know what else to crap state.)
Apologies my fellow blog readers for my infrequent updates. Though i am trying very hard to blog every so and then. You know me, my blogs and posts aren't usually bout what happen to me or what i did everyday. but more to the philosophical stuff. Stuff to do with what i think rather than what i do. So for that would seriously need inspiration and and time to make it happen. Yup you've guessed it, bottom line, NO FREQUENT updates from here on. really Sorry but the thing is i don't have a comp at home,( ya i know the shame.... ARGH!)But i do guarantee a SUPER DUPER long post whenever i get the chance to blog. At least to make up for my soon to be infrequent update habit.
Wow i have to say. Its December already. Such haste in the passings of time,So many moments filled with no matter anger, sadness or joy are now slowly flowing away down in the river of time. Things are certainly different now, as it may seem. But i cant help but to feel that i am like a stone in the river of time, ever so reluctant to move along with the currents.
I would be expecting next year with a few major changes. Things arent really going especially when your monkeying around. peoples change ya that certainly the truth, i accept that but why change to be an annoying person rather than a better person? I just wanna enter next year as someone whose hardly noticeable. Be able to slip through next year with haste.And of course say farewell to highschool.
Don't know why, somehow I've learn yet another few things in life. well although recently. " Silence is Golden" , "defeat is Victory". haha im sure evryone knows the first one so i shan't be touching on it but the latter. " Defeat is victory" Well in some situation, admitting defeat is actually the way to win. Like for example, in arguments going with the flow and not arguing may prove flawless in the long run. After all, they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. LET THE FUTURE AND THE RESULTS DO THE TALKING!. I realized that somehow being too competitive makes you proud, and its not really a good thing.The higher you climb the harder you fall. SO will shall see where the path of our choices leads us shall we? TO sucess or failue i dare not say. Still be weary of unexpected things . Things that can never be seen or calculated.
Right, I shall pen off here.(pen off? WTH! More like fingers off... haha) Fear not for this is not the only post i will be posting. There will be more regarding bout my new upcoming project "Creator", will explain more on the next post. FYI i have canceled the original project "Forbidden Crisis" Like i Said will explain more on the next post. Adios n good night!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Dream with no happy endin. . .
The night was cold, neither the stars nor the moon were barely present. Fog of the night crowded the sky, denying it of its usual soft glow. All creatures had already retreated back into their slumbers while the nocturnal roams. Through a small compact window; a boy laid comfortably in his cosy nest. Yawning, he punched his pillow and retired for the night; for what seems to be yet another pleasant night.
There were few moments of deep thoughts, where the happenings of day flashed one after the other. Dreams...
There were few moments of deep thoughts, where the happenings of day flashed one after the other. Dreams...
Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Haha went kenpachi for some japanese cuisine today. Didnt really know what to eat so merely just ordered the Chicken Teppenyaki; am i spelling it right? Cause it doesn't feel right, at least to me. Well who cares anyway, There were alot of japanese there., i mean to my amazement they were talking very fast, like some unknown foreign language, (erhem- shawny they are speaking foreign language like HELLO? its JAP!?) Right, while eating, i can't help but to wonder, what would it feel like if i was living in japan, would everything be like that? At most similar to the situation around. Haha
Tuesday, November 20, 2007

A long time ago in a galaxy far far away..... (trumpets playing) The city of Nuggetron is in danger, as the political council of Nuggetron fought for the Democracy, the long awaited prophecy; the arrival of what they call the Dark One. It is said that in times of desperation, the Dark One will rise to claim what is his.
While the Nuggetron's are busy holding their walls against the NeggePretist, the Chancellor NuggePaltine had been kidnapped by the Evil lord Count Nuggekoo. It was a dangerous mission but in desperation, two noble Nugge-jedis, Nuggekin Nuggetwalker and Master Nuggiwon Neggenobi set off to rescue the Chancellor.
What lies beyond is still a mystery. The prophecy also said that Neggetron will be saved by the Nugget Monster presumably the young Nugge-jedi, Nuggekin Nuggetwalker. This young nugge-jedi has much to learn, his anger is his only weakness, for a young lad, afterall its typical. "Hmm, Shroud in darkness is whats lies ahead. " said wise Master Nugge-oda.
And continue the meaningless nugget wars will, unaware of the great plot that will soon turn the tides of the battle. It will be the Revenge of the Nugget-sith!
A Magical day In Genting.

It was a magical day in genting. Went for this magic show with shawn n his family. It was really.. hmm how ter say? Cute? Haha i mean at least i got a better understanding on how Shawn's 'world' really felt like. It was..haha i don't really know how to describe it but oh what the heck it was a day filled with laughter, friendly arguements and so on. Really cool lad to hang out with. Although sometimes it might be alittle bit difficult to understand this guy and how everything around him works; still come to think of it, what bout me? How many people in this world understands bout me and how things work around me? Its best that not all thoughts and interest are the same; at least there would be some fundamentals in it. At least there would be somethings for me to look forward to, to explore.
Back to topic, the magic show was brilliant!!? Loved the enthusiasm, the passion and of course their MAGIC. It was really really really a fun filled day. Not no mention that the HOST of the show, Jeff Civillico; is a brilliant entertainer! His my man! lol.
Anyway, the bottom line is, i really love the times when we hang out. Cool dude; peace out.
Saturday, November 17, 2007

Cubetron, a skyscraper made solely out of nothing but cubes. Way to go. Took it in Shawn's house the other. He was somehow encouraging me to take up cubing. Trying hard not to disappoint him; i took a cube and tried but with no avail. It took me less then a min to figure out a better way to play with the cubes, FOO LAH! Check out above picture. One of the towers from Cybertron; the planet Transformers were originally from. lol.
Anyway, i was wondering, have any of you; loyal blog readers of mine ever experienced the feeling of disappointing someone? Well, i kinda have this kinda feeling lately that i've been letting a lot of people down. I just don't know why. I mean its no big at first but its starting to bother me. Am i hurting the ones around me? My closest buds? Geez. But sometimes in life, when it comes down to making decisions its like i have to choose between friends or my family. Its really hard. I got so freaking puzzled today that i didnt know what to do. I had no choice but to summon "him" i remembered clearly, he mocked me at first but, after he asked me a question(or issit a statement?) anyway he said; sometimes in life its not but your wants, you have enough of that, its now time for you to decide if its a want or a need.
Well i thank him for that, i got through. Sorry guys for letting you down. You know who you are!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
A sleep over.
Its 5.a.m in the morning; and guess what? IM straining my almost sleeping self or what ya call subconcious self infront of my friends computer typing what i like to call a post? And where does this kinda posts normally ends up? Yup thats right the BLOG!!! Yay! After 3 years of blogging I still find it amusing. Blogging never seem to bore me. ITs always so full of surprises, well though im usually the one posting up the surprises but hey my very surprises suprises me! Which is why its so amzing!
Alright, i know its rubbish or what Ainaa like to call arsed! MEans chicken shit, thats what she told me. I linked her today, and saw her blog. Shes seriously a very very good writer. Her grammar rocks, vocabs danced. I love her man. Guys guys do check out her blog though its on the right hand side of the panel under links. i repeat, her names Ainaa.
I havent been sleeping well lately and plus its 5am in the morning and im still not sleeping. IM blogging and filming some cubics blindfold solve along with shawn. Hey hey hey dont get me wrong yah. Im not the one solving the cube, its shawn. Ya ya my names shawn, but his names shawn too. haha funny lad, love him.
I noticed a common habit in all blogger is that, their post are mainly bout their lives, what happened during their daily activities. Nomatter sad or happy that is, its all written serving as a dairy or something. But, nowadays, blogging isnt just that. ITs something more than that maybe something that concerns stuff that happens around the world, around people or maybe ones perspective view bout something. Blogging's and ART.
HA! Sorry guys, upon writing to this moment, i sort of figuredd that maybe just maybe this post is a mess. My minds going so random right now. Its like all my brain cells are flying and bouncing around in my brain. Imagine having jumping beans inside your head.LOL.
This post is for nuts. Possibly maybe just for laughs for me maybe at a later date when i finally look back into my old post and go " MAN! i WROTE THAT?!" yeah that oughta be cool. NItes
Alright, i know its rubbish or what Ainaa like to call arsed! MEans chicken shit, thats what she told me. I linked her today, and saw her blog. Shes seriously a very very good writer. Her grammar rocks, vocabs danced. I love her man. Guys guys do check out her blog though its on the right hand side of the panel under links. i repeat, her names Ainaa.
I havent been sleeping well lately and plus its 5am in the morning and im still not sleeping. IM blogging and filming some cubics blindfold solve along with shawn. Hey hey hey dont get me wrong yah. Im not the one solving the cube, its shawn. Ya ya my names shawn, but his names shawn too. haha funny lad, love him.
I noticed a common habit in all blogger is that, their post are mainly bout their lives, what happened during their daily activities. Nomatter sad or happy that is, its all written serving as a dairy or something. But, nowadays, blogging isnt just that. ITs something more than that maybe something that concerns stuff that happens around the world, around people or maybe ones perspective view bout something. Blogging's and ART.
HA! Sorry guys, upon writing to this moment, i sort of figuredd that maybe just maybe this post is a mess. My minds going so random right now. Its like all my brain cells are flying and bouncing around in my brain. Imagine having jumping beans inside your head.LOL.
This post is for nuts. Possibly maybe just for laughs for me maybe at a later date when i finally look back into my old post and go " MAN! i WROTE THAT?!" yeah that oughta be cool. NItes
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Weird weird sign, Fun Fun Day!
Thursday, November 08, 2007
a dye to Auburn Light!

Dyed my hair recently, to a light auburn brown color. Hmm have to say, i love it! ahha they say my new hair color makes my complexion looks fairer! haah. Thats certainly good news. You know i had always thought that guys with TANNED complexion looks nice. But, not as nice as guys with fair i guess. WEll what ever it is, the bottomline is, i LOVE MY NEW HAIR COLOR!!! whooO!
Went to my class party yesterday well, haha. IT was fun.. had tat cookie tower with ainaa. Took tons of pics with hot gals.. Haha now thats the kinda life man. After the party we sort of like went shopping in Subang Parade, i mean what the heck, swesens is in Subang Parade mah. So suffice to say; it was necessary. Went walking around from shops to shops. Testing and trying out clothes with no intention of buying them. Some say thats very very CHEAP but HEY! We all need shopping lists Right? Doesnt hurt if we just try it on; i mean what are the fitting rooms for then? PLEASURABLE VEIWING ONLY? lol. Then we went on into parkson and came across the Padini section. Saw some really really cool tux and decided to try it on; me, isaac and joshua.
We were like..' WHOAh Whoah WHOAh; lets take a pic damn cool man'. Im thinkin almost the whole parkson heard us. BUt cant help it, the tux were like so so so COOL!
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Halloween, Halloween
A night full of creepy scenes.
by the window, a creature was seen
a figure of a boy with many sins;
and he was dancing with the wind.
Moon shone her best,
Revealing little by little,
his darkness crest ,
embeded in his hollow chest.
the night was long,
and things felt so gone.
Just when you thought things
couldnt go wrong,
he sang a song.
"Dance dance dance!
With a heart so cold;
Is the numbness real
or is the emptiness true?
I have lived my life as a son,
but i didnt died as one.
The world is so cruel;
yet im such a fool.
A fool to be dancing
with the wind.
Dance dance dance!"
As he finished,
his body blemished;
oh such, what was left of him.
yet he heart still cherished,
the memories he brought
to his resting place;
The wind howled;
and he slowly bowed,
he cried his last;
which reverbrated throught the night,
Halloween oh Halloween!
A night full of creepy scenes.
by the window, a creature was seen
a figure of a boy with many sins;
and he was dancing with the wind.
Moon shone her best,
Revealing little by little,
his darkness crest ,
embeded in his hollow chest.
the night was long,
and things felt so gone.
Just when you thought things
couldnt go wrong,
he sang a song.
"Dance dance dance!
With a heart so cold;
Is the numbness real
or is the emptiness true?
I have lived my life as a son,
but i didnt died as one.
The world is so cruel;
yet im such a fool.
A fool to be dancing
with the wind.
Dance dance dance!"
As he finished,
his body blemished;
oh such, what was left of him.
yet he heart still cherished,
the memories he brought
to his resting place;
The wind howled;
and he slowly bowed,
he cried his last;
which reverbrated throught the night,
Halloween oh Halloween!
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
LIfe WithoUt the Internet.
Hmm yup yup yup. LIfe without internet, is certainly not just any life, but a life without meaning. ITs like asthough you are totally barred from the outside world. MAkes you feel a little more lonely which i already am. Here i am, sitting down in the cybercafe, bloggin yet after so long. LIfe is so much better now. Especially when i finally found someone. HAha. Dou not exactly but very similiar to me. Although sumtimes our way of thoughts may differ, we are basically that same opposites. ITs like his actually the one i've been talking to all my life. THe one tat exists within me, my otherself.
ITs just weird, i mean at first. BUt after a well; u found out (well thank god) there are some differences between us. Thats a good thing dou. If sumone were to have another exactly the same. Then it would be like havong another clone. Which would be so so so boring. I dunnoe. juST LOVE him. FOr everything. THe way he is. and everything. Sumhow, he keeps tellin me that one shouldnt just stick with only one. ONe should never stop running the path in which to find more friends. Well for me, it doesnt really matter i stick with one or two, its doesnt really matter i stop running or not. Cause theres this one thing tat would never change. And that is i've found him. and he is very important to me well that would certainly never change too. HAha. So i guess.. it makes no difference whether i find anyone else besides him in the future. Cause asking me to find more friends is like asking me to prepare to give up on the one i have now. I know that in this world, nothing is permanent. Well if u look at it this way.. TATS THE BLODDY POINT!!! Its not permanent ! Which is why u try hard to make it last longer. IF not life would REALLY REALLY THEN BE MEANINGLESS!..
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Meaningless Days;
I remember the last time i sat around the desk doing nothing was just five minutes ago. Only just another usual routine to complete yet another meaningless day. But i never seems to wonder the reason why; cause i never do. Sometimes; no not sometimes, alot of times; its not bout what happens after is about what happens now. As a teenager; we are suppose to think irrationally; never think of consequences, action without thoughts. Why? Cause thats what we do!~ Which is why we are called teenagers. Nya.. its just life. Flowing on and on the lake of whimsical moodiness, maybe moldiness too? ha ha.Its just weird, most of the time we don't give a damn bout this and that. Who and how.Its only bout me me me me me me ME! Yeah, ME! True everyones selfish. But to think that I am even selfish to myself? Then who is there to do it to? It just doesn't make sense.Yeah, exams coming; no its already here. And guess what I'm doing . . .. . . BINGO! I'm blogging! Nothing like finding lame excuses just to get out of my room. Just to skip revision. Ahhhh! Face it, I'm lazy! HALLELUJAH! Ya, we all have the same kinda problem. But i doubt its as serious as mine. haha. Well i'll be praying that somehow, miraculously my results will turn out O-K-A-Y!? Pray for me guys if u haven't; well if you have keep up the GOOD work! Pray more!? LOL
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Standin Alone;
Standing alone on the tallest places helps u to realise things you've never had or even though you could before. See the world in a grain of sand, HEY THEY ALL LOOK LIKE ANTS DOWN THERE! Vice-versa, imma big giant up-there! Its amazing how life runs and spins around like a tropical sphere, never knowing when it might stop or would it even stop? Everyday we live our lives among billions and billions of ppl. PPl ranging from very different varieties, yes variesties and walking on different vaults in life. BUt little did we know that we are actually walking in circles, facing the same patterns everyday, it will only be noticable when we actually stop walking, climb to the highest place and view the world, or merely the little town your living in. It feels so much different, as though you can do anything. Plus, it has some sort of a soothing effect, where all your troubles or worries of the day; just vanished and swept away. Your literally free! Ya free as a bird. . . .
Loyal readers of my blog, i think you would have notice many dramatical changes in my life; well suffice to say, its getting better now. Especially when one finally found his path in life; his destiny! I WILL BE PURSUING MUSIC FROM HERE ON, FOR ONCE IMMA DO SOMETHING IMPORTANT AND MEANINGFUL, HOPEFULLY TO BRING JOY TO PPL. ENTERTAIN THEM, POSSIBLY DEN, THEN I MEAN I WOULD TRULY BE HAPY AND BE ABLE TO FIND MYSELF ONCE AGAIN! HALLELUJAH!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Lifes a Long Road . . .

In life its all bout walking the path laid before you, or u can create an other. Its all bout making choices on where your next direction would be, North? South? East? West? It doesnt matter, whichever direction you may choose to go, whatever decision you make in life, as long as you've made it; don't regret, don't even bother. Because your regrets and doubts will pull you down and cloud your vision. Once you've made up your mind, go all out and do your best. Don't waste time thinking that if you've made another choice whatever things you might have or might not have after. Don't think bout all that, don't waste your time. Remember, 'Fortune favors the bold.'. Even said or promised that there'll be rewards n benefiets, it all still comes down to your determination and hardwork! Clearly, a truth in life indeed.
Although sometimes, you may find walking life's road abit too hard, but do not forget. You were never alone from the start, everyone's walking a path very similar to yours; some might even be walking with you. . . .bear in mind, you are not alone.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Thursday, August 23, 2007
. : : Forbidden Crisis : Resurrection : : .
<< Part 1: The Dark Wars (Concerning the Element) >>
It is pretty much unclear about the origins of the Forbidden Element, mainly because all its recordings were erased from the archive almost 10 years ago; during the Dark Wars.
But according to the Prophecy; the Forbidden Element is some-sort of special life force created during periods of chaos. When life is being depleted constantly and death prevails, the forbidden element would be activated.
War is one major factor concerning the Element's birth; however, there are evidence showing its existence way before time; during the dawn of the world. Many believed it to be so powerful, that it can even crash the sky down to the grounds.
The world exist in the presence of the two elements, life and death. Both elements coexists, keeping balance. Thus, when death is forced upon greatly, generally overwhelms life; resulting in the destruction of the world.
Due to that, in which case; when death overwhelms, the life element will vibrate violently, unable to withstand the essence of death. Like ying and yang, they must have equal quantity, balance; either side possesses more will generate reactions. Through this reaction, having collided with the death element; thus the Forbidden Element is born.
During the construction of the Element, it took the form of a human, a human called Danshura.
* * *
10 years ago, on the outskirts of Urae. A huge battle raged between men and their brothers shook the earth. Footsteps could be heard reverberating throughout the atmosphere, sounding into the hearts of either. Those were dark times, after all it was due to greed that the very essence of men fell; plunging the world into darkness.
They fought for their so-called "pride and freedom", excuses used not only for war, but even the sacrifices of the innocent. There were only so much sorrow, that life seemed ever so meaningless.
The vary races fought, leaving no room for mercy. During, such critical times, someone took the opportunity to factorize his victory. Lucius Lloyd was this one man; he knew the one weakness in men, and used it against them. Suffice, he emerged victorious.
All races including men, had no choice but to bow down to this new Emperor. Though his victory was short lived, the ones who felt threatened under his rule, gathered and unite; forming an Alliance which was known as the "Desperate Alliance", be it through history. As expected, it was war all over again, yet darker.
That night, a battle that would change the world and leave its mark in history was about to begin. Footsteps echoed like war drums, forces took sides; prepared.
Lucius' massive army, with a size of hundred thousands roared fear into hearts of the righteous; decreasing their morale. The battle soon begun after a long pause, forces from each side crashed at the command of their generals.
The battle went on, deaths multiplied as each soldier fell from their stands, bereft of life. When everything seems about to come to end, when victory was near; the tides turned. More reinforcements arrive, only this time, ten times more than its last; surrounding the Alliance.
It was a saddening moment, the Alliance, every single soldier down to its last, felt as though their hearts were ripped from its place. Being impossibly out-numbered, their hopes perished, it was over; they've lost.
Smiling, Lucius ordered his army to struck the final blow, closing in.
a commander of the Alliance.
And so it began, the final stand between the Alliance and the Lucian Army. Forces from both sides collided, colors of darkness and bright; as though waves of black were swallowing them whole.
Moments later, unexpected it was, more likely to be a miracle; the grounds supporting Lucius' army cracked apart, sending thousands and thousands of Lucian army down to the depths all around.The Alliance paused, watching as their enemies fall into the hard cold cracks, curious; what they saw next was a dark figure, standing within them, in the heart of their formation.
It was the Forbidden Element, Danshura. All, gazed in awe, thoughts of battle forgotten. Their tables had turned once again, now, with the Element on their side, it was inevitable.
And so they fought, depleting the enemies fast, down to the very last.
Whats was left, were just bodies and smell of blood. They've won; it was a hard fought battle. Yet, it wasn't over; a horribly strong amount of pressure filled the atmosphere, making it hard to breathe. It as-though their chests were being caved in. Some terrible force was surrounding the air, consuming energy from their bodies.
Thee weak, not being able to with stand the force, fell to the ground, unconscious; hundreds follow suit. Yet, it did not end there, the remaining ones who were still struggling with the horrible pressure, were now seeing visions of their worst fears, experiencing death in their minds. A force yet enough to strike fear; ' What!? WHAT is DOING this- ' with that another fell to the ground, presumably dead.
The sky darkened, making the situation even more gothic.
Smoke were rising, generated from the battle earlier; one couldn't see far, with all that obstacle.
From a-far, a figure came slowly into view. Long cloak bellowing from behind him, and his hair dancing elegantly by the wind; Lucius Lloyd.
The atmosphere soon got even more deadly, with intense murderous intent. Lucius Lloyd, is no ordinary man. He was once a man with great honor, and gifted powers since birth; after-all, he was one of the greatest warriors ever recored in history.
Rain started to fall, washing away stains of blood and war; smoke dissipated; hissing into the air. A battle between immortals was about to begin.
Danshura took his steps forward, and confronted the one man so powerful whom they called the Dark One.
<< Part 2: Rise of the Organization Sinus XII . . . >>
Organization Sinus XII is a corporation dealing with absolutely almost anything. A major company founded by a man called Sinus Cruz. It consists of 12 groups, each lead by 12 very powerful people. The corporation came into existence shortly after the Dark Wars, where the world was in need of supplies. Suffice to say, it quickly climbed its way to the top with very few difficulties, achieving the status of "MOTHER" to all other companies existing in Urae.
* * *
After the death of Danshura; the forbidden element. Man and their brothers performed a funeral ceremony. Marking the day as an independence day, as it was the day their great hero died and freed them from darkness.
During the funeral of Danshura, a scientist by the name of, Fuse Edward; had so much curiosity on the powers of the forbidden element, convinced him to steal a sample of Danshura's blood.
Back in his lab, he then began cloning the blood, multiplying its quantity; knowing that it could be the key to unlimited source of energy or perhaps more. Due to his lack of funds, his experiments and research were forced to a halt. He soon had no choice but to seek help from a very powerful man, Sinus Cruz.
Sinus Cruz is the Leader of the organization Sinus XII, an organization that deals with absolutely anything. From the import and export of food supplies to the exquisite military weapons.
Cruz, having notice the a great opportunity to even greater power, agreed to help the scientist Fuse; investing in his experiments, hence the Experimental Labs of the Forbidden Elements (E.L.F.E) came into existence. Having a private island of its own, Fuse could continue his research and experiments with much success.
For the next 2 years, everything went well, as expected; the organization benefited from the experiments. Much more usage to the forbidden element was discovered. Seeing this, Cruz gave instructions to clone the forbidden element; this time not only to multiply its quantity, but to clone another Danshura itself.
Cruz, had been planning to take control of the world; having greed, with already so much power and status in hand, he hungers for more. All this hidden behind his ever kind and caring mask that the world recognized so dearly.
Countless attempts have been taken, but came to no avail. The forbidden element is one matter that is too complex and pure; still not much information about it has been acquired. After-all, the experiments began from the sample Fuse took almost 2 years ago; although there is enough blood to clone another being, it was no longer original, at least theoretically.
Fuse didn't give up, being obsessed with yet even more curiosity; he researched day and night, seeking the last final piece to the puzzle. Before long, his research lead him to the discovery of the rare class 49 blood type; the only existing blood capable of merging with the forbidden element. A blood type so rare, that finding a person bearing it is almost impossible.
He began his search for the person with this rare blood type, it was a long bitter journey; like as though finding a needle in the sea.
Luck it was, he was able to find that person, a boy in-fact; yet its the son of his lab assistant, his best friend; Vincent Hearts. It was a terrible truth, knowing that he couldn't bring himself to use his best friend's son for the experiment.
Words soon reached Cruz's ears. He ordered the boy to be captured; a boy by the name of Roxus Hearts.
Knowing this, Vincent told his wife to take Roxus and his sister to run. "Do not let them catch you! I can't live to see my son become an experiment or even die! Now GO!"
He had prepared a transport for his family, but the organization was too big a corp to run from. Cruz had almost unlimited resources. The boy was taken, and his family killed.
Having trying to escape his son from the organization, Vincent was charged with obstructing and preventing the happenings of an experiment; Law 361, verse 2; and was made to see his own son become an experiment.
The experiment went well, involving the complete transfusion of the cloned blood of the Forbidden Element. But Fuse miscalculated, although the rare class 49 blood type is the only blood type suitable for the merging of the forbidden element. The boy's physical body is not that of the forbidden element.
Due to this drawback, there are counter-effects and negative consequences; being that a tremendous amount of complex energy is trapped in a body not capable of releasing it completely, a psychological form is created; a personality of its own. Just a slight change in emotion, it heightens the possible activation of this new personality. Resulting in schizotomia; a medical term in which a person has split personalities.
At just age of 4, Roxus Hearts activated the forbidden element for the first time, not being able to control it, he destroyed the whole island of the E.L.F.E.
Since then, there had been no news or any sign of the boy; many believed that he died along with the destruction of the island.
Our story starts off 12 years after the incident, concerning the re-surface of the new Forbidden Element; Roxus Hearts. . .
. : : End of Prologue : : .
"The Fate of the world,
rests on a boy,
Who seeks his lost memories. . ."
Welcome to Forbidden Crisis . . .
Forbidden Crisis (c) 2007
<< Part 1: The Dark Wars (Concerning the Element) >>
It is pretty much unclear about the origins of the Forbidden Element, mainly because all its recordings were erased from the archive almost 10 years ago; during the Dark Wars.
But according to the Prophecy; the Forbidden Element is some-sort of special life force created during periods of chaos. When life is being depleted constantly and death prevails, the forbidden element would be activated.
War is one major factor concerning the Element's birth; however, there are evidence showing its existence way before time; during the dawn of the world. Many believed it to be so powerful, that it can even crash the sky down to the grounds.
The world exist in the presence of the two elements, life and death. Both elements coexists, keeping balance. Thus, when death is forced upon greatly, generally overwhelms life; resulting in the destruction of the world.
Due to that, in which case; when death overwhelms, the life element will vibrate violently, unable to withstand the essence of death. Like ying and yang, they must have equal quantity, balance; either side possesses more will generate reactions. Through this reaction, having collided with the death element; thus the Forbidden Element is born.
During the construction of the Element, it took the form of a human, a human called Danshura.
* * *
10 years ago, on the outskirts of Urae. A huge battle raged between men and their brothers shook the earth. Footsteps could be heard reverberating throughout the atmosphere, sounding into the hearts of either. Those were dark times, after all it was due to greed that the very essence of men fell; plunging the world into darkness.
They fought for their so-called "pride and freedom", excuses used not only for war, but even the sacrifices of the innocent. There were only so much sorrow, that life seemed ever so meaningless.
The vary races fought, leaving no room for mercy. During, such critical times, someone took the opportunity to factorize his victory. Lucius Lloyd was this one man; he knew the one weakness in men, and used it against them. Suffice, he emerged victorious.
All races including men, had no choice but to bow down to this new Emperor. Though his victory was short lived, the ones who felt threatened under his rule, gathered and unite; forming an Alliance which was known as the "Desperate Alliance", be it through history. As expected, it was war all over again, yet darker.
That night, a battle that would change the world and leave its mark in history was about to begin. Footsteps echoed like war drums, forces took sides; prepared.
Lucius' massive army, with a size of hundred thousands roared fear into hearts of the righteous; decreasing their morale. The battle soon begun after a long pause, forces from each side crashed at the command of their generals.
The battle went on, deaths multiplied as each soldier fell from their stands, bereft of life. When everything seems about to come to end, when victory was near; the tides turned. More reinforcements arrive, only this time, ten times more than its last; surrounding the Alliance.
It was a saddening moment, the Alliance, every single soldier down to its last, felt as though their hearts were ripped from its place. Being impossibly out-numbered, their hopes perished, it was over; they've lost.
Smiling, Lucius ordered his army to struck the final blow, closing in.
a commander of the Alliance.
And so it began, the final stand between the Alliance and the Lucian Army. Forces from both sides collided, colors of darkness and bright; as though waves of black were swallowing them whole.
Moments later, unexpected it was, more likely to be a miracle; the grounds supporting Lucius' army cracked apart, sending thousands and thousands of Lucian army down to the depths all around.The Alliance paused, watching as their enemies fall into the hard cold cracks, curious; what they saw next was a dark figure, standing within them, in the heart of their formation.
It was the Forbidden Element, Danshura. All, gazed in awe, thoughts of battle forgotten. Their tables had turned once again, now, with the Element on their side, it was inevitable.
And so they fought, depleting the enemies fast, down to the very last.
Whats was left, were just bodies and smell of blood. They've won; it was a hard fought battle. Yet, it wasn't over; a horribly strong amount of pressure filled the atmosphere, making it hard to breathe. It as-though their chests were being caved in. Some terrible force was surrounding the air, consuming energy from their bodies.
Thee weak, not being able to with stand the force, fell to the ground, unconscious; hundreds follow suit. Yet, it did not end there, the remaining ones who were still struggling with the horrible pressure, were now seeing visions of their worst fears, experiencing death in their minds. A force yet enough to strike fear; ' What!? WHAT is DOING this- ' with that another fell to the ground, presumably dead.
The sky darkened, making the situation even more gothic.
Smoke were rising, generated from the battle earlier; one couldn't see far, with all that obstacle.
From a-far, a figure came slowly into view. Long cloak bellowing from behind him, and his hair dancing elegantly by the wind; Lucius Lloyd.
The atmosphere soon got even more deadly, with intense murderous intent. Lucius Lloyd, is no ordinary man. He was once a man with great honor, and gifted powers since birth; after-all, he was one of the greatest warriors ever recored in history.
Rain started to fall, washing away stains of blood and war; smoke dissipated; hissing into the air. A battle between immortals was about to begin.
Danshura took his steps forward, and confronted the one man so powerful whom they called the Dark One.
<< Part 2: Rise of the Organization Sinus XII . . . >>
Organization Sinus XII is a corporation dealing with absolutely almost anything. A major company founded by a man called Sinus Cruz. It consists of 12 groups, each lead by 12 very powerful people. The corporation came into existence shortly after the Dark Wars, where the world was in need of supplies. Suffice to say, it quickly climbed its way to the top with very few difficulties, achieving the status of "MOTHER" to all other companies existing in Urae.
* * *
After the death of Danshura; the forbidden element. Man and their brothers performed a funeral ceremony. Marking the day as an independence day, as it was the day their great hero died and freed them from darkness.
During the funeral of Danshura, a scientist by the name of, Fuse Edward; had so much curiosity on the powers of the forbidden element, convinced him to steal a sample of Danshura's blood.
Back in his lab, he then began cloning the blood, multiplying its quantity; knowing that it could be the key to unlimited source of energy or perhaps more. Due to his lack of funds, his experiments and research were forced to a halt. He soon had no choice but to seek help from a very powerful man, Sinus Cruz.
Sinus Cruz is the Leader of the organization Sinus XII, an organization that deals with absolutely anything. From the import and export of food supplies to the exquisite military weapons.
Cruz, having notice the a great opportunity to even greater power, agreed to help the scientist Fuse; investing in his experiments, hence the Experimental Labs of the Forbidden Elements (E.L.F.E) came into existence. Having a private island of its own, Fuse could continue his research and experiments with much success.
For the next 2 years, everything went well, as expected; the organization benefited from the experiments. Much more usage to the forbidden element was discovered. Seeing this, Cruz gave instructions to clone the forbidden element; this time not only to multiply its quantity, but to clone another Danshura itself.
Cruz, had been planning to take control of the world; having greed, with already so much power and status in hand, he hungers for more. All this hidden behind his ever kind and caring mask that the world recognized so dearly.
Countless attempts have been taken, but came to no avail. The forbidden element is one matter that is too complex and pure; still not much information about it has been acquired. After-all, the experiments began from the sample Fuse took almost 2 years ago; although there is enough blood to clone another being, it was no longer original, at least theoretically.
Fuse didn't give up, being obsessed with yet even more curiosity; he researched day and night, seeking the last final piece to the puzzle. Before long, his research lead him to the discovery of the rare class 49 blood type; the only existing blood capable of merging with the forbidden element. A blood type so rare, that finding a person bearing it is almost impossible.
He began his search for the person with this rare blood type, it was a long bitter journey; like as though finding a needle in the sea.
Luck it was, he was able to find that person, a boy in-fact; yet its the son of his lab assistant, his best friend; Vincent Hearts. It was a terrible truth, knowing that he couldn't bring himself to use his best friend's son for the experiment.
Words soon reached Cruz's ears. He ordered the boy to be captured; a boy by the name of Roxus Hearts.
Knowing this, Vincent told his wife to take Roxus and his sister to run. "Do not let them catch you! I can't live to see my son become an experiment or even die! Now GO!"
He had prepared a transport for his family, but the organization was too big a corp to run from. Cruz had almost unlimited resources. The boy was taken, and his family killed.
Having trying to escape his son from the organization, Vincent was charged with obstructing and preventing the happenings of an experiment; Law 361, verse 2; and was made to see his own son become an experiment.
The experiment went well, involving the complete transfusion of the cloned blood of the Forbidden Element. But Fuse miscalculated, although the rare class 49 blood type is the only blood type suitable for the merging of the forbidden element. The boy's physical body is not that of the forbidden element.
Due to this drawback, there are counter-effects and negative consequences; being that a tremendous amount of complex energy is trapped in a body not capable of releasing it completely, a psychological form is created; a personality of its own. Just a slight change in emotion, it heightens the possible activation of this new personality. Resulting in schizotomia; a medical term in which a person has split personalities.
At just age of 4, Roxus Hearts activated the forbidden element for the first time, not being able to control it, he destroyed the whole island of the E.L.F.E.
Since then, there had been no news or any sign of the boy; many believed that he died along with the destruction of the island.
Our story starts off 12 years after the incident, concerning the re-surface of the new Forbidden Element; Roxus Hearts. . .
. : : End of Prologue : : .
"The Fate of the world,
rests on a boy,
Who seeks his lost memories. . ."
Welcome to Forbidden Crisis . . .
Forbidden Crisis (c) 2007
Saturday, August 04, 2007
WheeW a week of seminars!
Yeah, a week full of seminars. HAha Loved it, especially the last day. Response were SUPERB and way unexpected. Just wish i can touch more and more people in the future, love interacting. Phew, today's job was to look after the checkpoint during treasure hunt, groups after groups came to complete their task of charades. Boy, sure it was interesting haha. Looking forward for more events like this..
Recently, ever since i found the Macro function in my cam i've been taking cool pictures.. check it out!
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
IT wasnt meant to be, Busy Day of public speakinG.
LOL. TOdays a busy day, had to conduct a seminar for the REACT campaign. Was the presenter and well basically everything went smoothly THANK GOD! IT was unexpected, i mean the reaction the audience gave. When i first took over the mic, the audience was like wassup?! lol which was wad i did during the launching day during assembly on monday. And somehow it became my signature style . Although i heard that some teachers wenrt too happy bout it dou. I wonder why? Was i too over? That was wad i heard dou, hmm seriously i cant imagine how the seminar would go on if it wasnt funny n formal.....
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Stress stRess Day, Weird WeirD dreAms!
Its been ever so busy since i joined the Tress Programme. Got to do alot of designing stuff, felt as if i was really working in a advertising company especially with all those tight deadlines and all. Well my part in the trees programme is almost coming to a close, not to mention tat i got my job done; well although except one, the presentation thats supposed to be ready this mon. Oh man, tight, really tight deadline this is. Whats worse is tat my minds totally empty right now, i cant think. What should i do? I mean its so stressful.... im stressing and stressing. . .
Recently im having weird dreams, dreaming of doing things i would never do. At least thought of doing but, its just weird. Im a little scared dou, you know of myself and all. ITs just so weird that im doing stuff thats absolutely crazy in the dream. Some say dreams are a refelction of whats in ur heart, the stuff that you try so hard to hide or keep away from. Or you can say, its a reflection of ur true self. OR maybe im just thinking too much.
Recently im having weird dreams, dreaming of doing things i would never do. At least thought of doing but, its just weird. Im a little scared dou, you know of myself and all. ITs just so weird that im doing stuff thats absolutely crazy in the dream. Some say dreams are a refelction of whats in ur heart, the stuff that you try so hard to hide or keep away from. Or you can say, its a reflection of ur true self. OR maybe im just thinking too much.
Thursday, April 05, 2007
DAORAE ! Once in a Life tIme ~

DAORAE ; Korean BBQ! It was a memorable night. The lightings, atmosphere; everything was perfect! Its something i've not tried before. . . a birthday dinner at DAORAE! The BBQ was great! The food, kimch (vegetables) Ahhh all so so so GREAT! Not to mention that it was the first ever time i went out with friends to eat in such an EXP restuarant. WooTs~ Almost thought we were already adults for a moment there. UN-believeable.
Thnx Guys! Will update more soon.. along with pictures!

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