Cubetron, a skyscraper made solely out of nothing but cubes. Way to go. Took it in Shawn's house the other. He was somehow encouraging me to take up cubing. Trying hard not to disappoint him; i took a cube and tried but with no avail. It took me less then a min to figure out a better way to play with the cubes, FOO LAH! Check out above picture. One of the towers from Cybertron; the planet Transformers were originally from. lol.
Anyway, i was wondering, have any of you; loyal blog readers of mine ever experienced the feeling of disappointing someone? Well, i kinda have this kinda feeling lately that i've been letting a lot of people down. I just don't know why. I mean its no big at first but its starting to bother me. Am i hurting the ones around me? My closest buds? Geez. But sometimes in life, when it comes down to making decisions its like i have to choose between friends or my family. Its really hard. I got so freaking puzzled today that i didnt know what to do. I had no choice but to summon "him" i remembered clearly, he mocked me at first but, after he asked me a question(or issit a statement?) anyway he said; sometimes in life its not but your wants, you have enough of that, its now time for you to decide if its a want or a need.
Well i thank him for that, i got through. Sorry guys for letting you down. You know who you are!