A long time ago in a galaxy far far away..... (trumpets playing) The city of Nuggetron is in danger, as the political council of Nuggetron fought for the Democracy, the long awaited prophecy; the arrival of what they call the Dark One. It is said that in times of desperation, the Dark One will rise to claim what is his.
While the Nuggetron's are busy holding their walls against the NeggePretist, the Chancellor NuggePaltine had been kidnapped by the Evil lord Count Nuggekoo. It was a dangerous mission but in desperation, two noble Nugge-jedis, Nuggekin Nuggetwalker and Master Nuggiwon Neggenobi set off to rescue the Chancellor.
What lies beyond is still a mystery. The prophecy also said that Neggetron will be saved by the Nugget Monster presumably the young Nugge-jedi, Nuggekin Nuggetwalker. This young nugge-jedi has much to learn, his anger is his only weakness, for a young lad, afterall its typical. "Hmm, Shroud in darkness is whats lies ahead. " said wise Master Nugge-oda.
And continue the meaningless nugget wars will, unaware of the great plot that will soon turn the tides of the battle. It will be the Revenge of the Nugget-sith!