Standing alone on the tallest places helps u to realise things you've never had or even though you could before. See the world in a grain of sand, HEY THEY ALL LOOK LIKE ANTS DOWN THERE! Vice-versa, imma big giant up-there! Its amazing how life runs and spins around like a tropical sphere, never knowing when it might stop or would it even stop? Everyday we live our lives among billions and billions of ppl. PPl ranging from very different varieties, yes variesties and walking on different vaults in life. BUt little did we know that we are actually walking in circles, facing the same patterns everyday, it will only be noticable when we actually stop walking, climb to the highest place and view the world, or merely the little town your living in. It feels so much different, as though you can do anything. Plus, it has some sort of a soothing effect, where all your troubles or worries of the day; just vanished and swept away. Your literally free! Ya free as a bird. . . .
Loyal readers of my blog, i think you would have notice many dramatical changes in my life; well suffice to say, its getting better now. Especially when one finally found his path in life; his destiny! I WILL BE PURSUING MUSIC FROM HERE ON, FOR ONCE IMMA DO SOMETHING IMPORTANT AND MEANINGFUL, HOPEFULLY TO BRING JOY TO PPL. ENTERTAIN THEM, POSSIBLY DEN, THEN I MEAN I WOULD TRULY BE HAPY AND BE ABLE TO FIND MYSELF ONCE AGAIN! HALLELUJAH!