Hmm yup yup yup. LIfe without internet, is certainly not just any life, but a life without meaning. ITs like asthough you are totally barred from the outside world. MAkes you feel a little more lonely which i already am. Here i am, sitting down in the cybercafe, bloggin yet after so long. LIfe is so much better now. Especially when i finally found someone. HAha. Dou not exactly but very similiar to me. Although sumtimes our way of thoughts may differ, we are basically that same opposites. ITs like his actually the one i've been talking to all my life. THe one tat exists within me, my otherself.
ITs just weird, i mean at first. BUt after a well; u found out (well thank god) there are some differences between us. Thats a good thing dou. If sumone were to have another exactly the same. Then it would be like havong another clone. Which would be so so so boring. I dunnoe. juST LOVE him. FOr everything. THe way he is. and everything. Sumhow, he keeps tellin me that one shouldnt just stick with only one. ONe should never stop running the path in which to find more friends. Well for me, it doesnt really matter i stick with one or two, its doesnt really matter i stop running or not. Cause theres this one thing tat would never change. And that is i've found him. and he is very important to me well that would certainly never change too. HAha. So i guess.. it makes no difference whether i find anyone else besides him in the future. Cause asking me to find more friends is like asking me to prepare to give up on the one i have now. I know that in this world, nothing is permanent. Well if u look at it this way.. TATS THE BLODDY POINT!!! Its not permanent ! Which is why u try hard to make it last longer. IF not life would REALLY REALLY THEN BE MEANINGLESS!..