Whether or not torn between oneself or the other; things just never seem ending. Heaven's been crying these past few days, and now finally the sun. As i wait impatiently for food, hunger headaches hit me hard on my head. What was it that i was searching for; all seems so unclear all of a sudden. I just can't remember them all. The weather felt rather cool today; yet maybe because i was in my room the whole day unaware. Mums not feeling all so well, definitely struggling. Walking on with not sense of direction or rather not knowing where im suppose to go. I need some distraction, looking for a big big tree in the green green plains, to lay beneath until the sun rests.
"In this sweet madness,
the song keeps on twisting;
Faraway in distant lands,
hours lay still unattended;
Come out 'o' night,
leave the light behind;
Bring forth the days and sing
The stars and all that blings.
Come out'o' night,
swallow the skies deep
leave the day behind;
and bring forth the valiant..."