That heavy feeling of my heart weighing like a hundred tons, that feeling itself accompanied my day. Being look down upon, somehow i didn't know it would hurt, not that much at least. Through laughter and eyes hidden behind their teeth, yet all i did was acknowledge them with a smile and quiet i went till my day was over. The day seem merciless, sun kept its gaze upon me; burning me with its heat. I've never felt so down before, i don't hate them, instead its me myself i hate. The world was on- top of me today, even heavens. I thought my past made me hollow, but then again maybe its a good thing that i found yet some feelings inside of me. Don't know why, but my feelings of school being unnecessary grew somewhat stronger over the recent days; especially today. School may just be the polite word to describe whats inside of it; all so unnecessary. Well, it looks like my stupidity for once killed me; and look where i am now, desperately seeking you again. Saying, i need you.....chang