Monday, February 11, 2008

Here comes pressure all over.

Sometimes you just get all emo and feel like slitting your throat or your wrist, with all that amount of blood rushing out through your cut like tap water; maybe just maybe it could help. Schools starting, new year's holiday is up. Its now time to WORK WORK WORK. Aww never liked schools to begin with; considering the different different varieties of people ou have to face everyday. There are times where you just feel like locking yourself in your room; with your radio turned on LOUD! And possibly just stare into space, or what they call emo the whole bloody day.

Free-will's a powerful thing or maybe just too powerful? Decisions sometimes drives people nuts! But still what really drives people through the wall aint all this, but PEOPLE themselves!! The horror the pressure the sickness of it; sometimes you just get so tired. I don't know why, somehow i just don't feel like going back to school, especially now. I don't know why? Or maybe i DO know. I had thought this year to be a great year, or rather expected it to be. But noooooooooo; the tides are turning. I cant help but to carry some sort of a "OMG! SOMETHINGS GONNAA HAPPEN!" kinda feeling inside of me; turning everything upside down. Maybe im just being sensitive? But i thought it was human's nature to be sensitive?

Im happy, im not happy and im happy AGAIN and then not!! Blah blah blah, it goes on and on. OR maybe im just a coward; facing yet fearing. Fear is good; it causes you to tremble the warriors tremble. But why? Can i not have emotions? at least for a day? Just a day?

Im lost; really lost. There maybe just too many things for me to think about; to do; to settle. just so many.......