Spent a day in carrefour earlier today, with wai lam of course. MWahaha crazy crazy day. Suffice to say im now at his hse, and its around 12.33am in the morning, and if im able to blog at this time then surely i have a computer right in front of me right? lol i know i know, the last time i check i havent yet got my comp so TA DA here i am, spending the night over with wai lam.
The day was spent drifting torlleys down in carrefour, qhich of course attracted many queer eyes. Crazy running about trying to cath each other was rather fun, at least it made me felt young ONCE AGAIN!! MWahahaha i mean really really young lol.
HAiz, just so weird that after all this; there wont be any of that anymore. His going away. As mention on my earlier post, his the one friend thats going off to australlia for good. MAn, goodbye really is the hardest and saddest word. Cant there be a hello thereafter again?
Imagine, you're talking with someone today and hang out and it was really really fun, a few days later. HIs not there anymore. I know its not as if his dead but im sure gona miss his prersence. Well im preparing something for his farewell. SOmething memorable. that he can see eveyrtime when he misses the memories he had here. MOre to say a recollection of everything, well maybe not EVERYTHING; but everything to what i have.
Well, today i really really really felt what it was like being in his family. HAha, or what it was like being him. Man, the emptiness is catching up upon me. There will always be a time when we have to part. ITs the Day of many partings, once again. Firends come and go as they say, but no way. Go or not, he will always remain a wonderful bro to me. Love ya mate! GO BECOME AND AUSSIE BUT DONT GET STING BY A STINGRAY JUST LIKE STEVEN IRWIN! Mwahahahahahahahah i knnow.. aww man seriously gonna miss him man. Well i hope there will come a time for partings and many many many many reunions!
ALl the best to you mate! AYE AYE!