I find myself contemplating this picture a lot. Perhaps out of that hundreds, this made the impact. Most likely the color and most definitely the composition of this picture; it just brings me places. My days used to start out with a clear starry sky. Without obstruction of clouds, perhaps. But now, heaven sees my head more than it sees my arse. Working again; im sure some may have already known. I miss the times, i miss the days, and i miss the type of life i've never been able to lead. But, hey i miss some part of myself too. Everyone misses something, and right now, im missing the times where i used to know exactly what song to listen to during those fucked up times. Now, im scrolling through my itunes trying to get something out of it. Some feelings for me to emo about. Some things for me to think about. I've never felt so blank before, and this may just be the first time im yearning for something to puzzle about.