Moving on, now im barely legal. As the light shone vividly, it was night in another world. Constant screams that echoed in a chaotic world; hope seem so pointless. Only left 4 to die, struggling impossibly to get back at those half degenerated foul smelling bodies that ran as though they drank galleons of Red-Bull. That was how i spent my eighteenth birthday, in a virtual somewhat realistic world shooting zombies and taking turns to claw the survivors as zombies. Fun-filled day, inspired alot of excitement. And not forgeting a very big thanks to all those who took the effort to spend my day with me, not forgetting your wishes too. Nites everyone, may the stars bless and grant you the ability to survive if at all the world were to be infested with zombies; if and only if. Heck, im really influenced by the game...