Sunday, June 07, 2009

Over the days, the Rainbow and the Sun

Recent mishap turned out to be a blessing in disguise. For a man that believes not in God, yet for some reason can't deny his existence. Maybe my interpretation of God's very different from others but what the heck, its not God we're touching on today. Reality is only what the mind perceives. Focusing on the bad stuff would only bring more bad stuff; like a magnet. So recently, i've spent sleepless nights revisiting the past. And i realized just how much i've been complaining over the years, whether consciously or unconsciously, i was complaining nevertheless. I failed to do something i've learnt firsthand during my life's harsh experiences; that is to be appreciative. Well, i just want to say thank you to all those whose been with me during my silly moments, my drama days, my excessive complains, my lonely days, happy ones, sad ones. Thank you for being there, although i may not have been there when you needed me, but nevertheless thank you so very much for being there for me. Although, not many has appeared and contributed in my life cept a few, and to the others, thank you for appearing even for the very least. Theres a few who are very close to me, yet i shut them out from time to time whenever they got an inch closer. I guess its just me and my safety protocol. Well, either way, my dear fellow blog readers, thank you so much over the years for reading all those nonsensical crap, ryhmes and whatever i've written (ifs theres actually anyone reading my blog...) well i will be closing my blog down soon. There's just too many adjustments to make....

Regards with lotsa love,