It seems like i haven't been blogging in proper English for some time already. Read Finn's blog just now, lol saw the post he did for the class; of the things there would be no more of. I thought i won't feel a thing and just let everything pass and let time do the rest. Somehow, after that last paper. I noticed a big difference in everything. Whether or not its important now, it just feels wierd. Im not gonna come up with a long list of whats no more of (thats really sweet finn thanks)
but i know theres one thing i can come up with, one very thing that i know there is gonna be a no more of. And that thing would be, THERE WILL NOT BE ANYMORE OF THOSE TIMES WHERE WE CAME TOGETHER IN THAT VERY CLASS; BE IT THROUGH WHATEVER MOMENTS, its no more.....
Just Rock On Guys! Live your dreams and carve it into reality!