The night or morning sent my head spinning, serves me right for sleeping at 5. It was neither sleepiness or the head spinning effect; i wasn't sure, but i was in-fact restless. The air-condition in my room chilled the room to a breathtaking 16' C. The usual me with just boxers thought i had entered a man-made ice age. The moment i laid my restless body onto my bed, my eyes strained wide open. My mind was being invaded once again, the sound of war drums and horns. I was back 4 years ago; in my homeland. Paralyzed and only thoughts possesses mobility, i entered every piece of memory kept deep in my mind; once thought to be forgotten. I saw myself as a little boy, saw that kiddish face of mine, every steps aloft the pavement. Oh i remember that feeling; those were the days, those were the days. Throughout my years in life, there wasn't a time without its mishaps. Maybe thats how life makes one learn. Its funny how your thoughts can just run when your walking home. From time to time, i would look up to the sky wondering what tomorrow would be like. Those many recurrence in life, sometimes i remember it this way and sometimes i remember it another. I heard the birds sing before dawn, the crickets play before dark; many times i heard things as well as seen things, but yet i can't remember when was the last time i saw a bird flew free in the sky, an ant working hard to maintain its colony. Proves nevertheless i've always turn a deaf ear to things around me, turn a blind eye to everything around me. Just like a passing boat moving with the river flow; unaware of its surroundings yet only aware of where its headed.
I still remember that green ranger action figure that companied me through many storms and calms as well as that time where i lost it somehow, and took up a new friend as my companion in life.Things went on and on, up and down. Many virginity were lost there, as well as a lot of ships went down there. They say, make a trip around the world and it can change your point of view upon the this world. I miss the days when i was still a child, worries were nowhere near, as well as those many thoughts that never seem ending. But one must grow up eventually, whatever thats lost or gain makes up the balance that supports the flow of life. Hey, chang; i've grown up now, i don't need you anymore. Its about time i stop running and face myself. The self that i hated and been running away all my life. Something really is changing; im keeping my fingers crossed.....