ITs only the first official week since school started, yet pressure's already catching up on me. Its over my head, pressing hard. Work work work, so much to do especially when i have to finish up the "50 karangan" that i owe. Serious business man. MAn.. and trees too. big events are coming up. meetings and more meetings would be the case plus more and more plannings. Lalala what a way to go, but come to think of it, its actually kinda fun considering the fact that whatever thats happening here revolves around my interest field, well except the karangan part lol. I mean who would actually seriously consider copying karangans as their interest?
Well, other than work, it all comes down to coming of age pressure. Lala im not sure about alot of things, ever so suddenly perhaps, maybe im losing my mind? Life is like a roller coaster ride. Up and down sometimes even through loops. Explains our teenage raging hormones causing u to have weird weird fantasies. *tell me bout it.