It was a wonderful evening i had with a bunch of ppl that after so long; even i couldn't belive it, could finally call 'friends'. Weird eh? But it was nice, really nice. We ate, drank and did almost everything together. IT was reall fun. Just wish that such a feeling will not seek to disrupt itself. At least strong enough to mantain its current momentum.
Maybe after that warming evening. Haha, our friendship is getting deeper and stronger by the minute. But all this wont end i hope. I really hope. Though i don't really remember how did we ever get this thing going. How it even started... But why care? haha, let us just enjoy this every moement, together. . .
We'll soon be doing 'ParaDI's' soon. And haha , i will be dancing in the rain. COOL ehx? haha, yup do expect a great finish ! It will be uploaded onto youtube once the shooting n edits are done. It wont be too long before u see Rain's 'In My Bed' paradi Video. Woots~ so excited.